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Eloy Rodrigues

Eloy Antonio Santos Cordeiro Rodrigues

Eloy António Santos Cordeiro Rodrigues is graduated in History, variant in Archaeology, at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto, and completed the course of specialization in Information Science, option of Library and Documentation, at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon.

Director of Documentation Services of the University of Minho, the focus of his work has been the development of digital libraries, the training of librarians and library users, and the promotion of the open access to scientific literature through the institutional repositories. He is the author of more than three dozen of articles, books and book chapters on these matters.

In 2003, he led the creation of the RepositoriUM - the institutional repository of the University of Minho, directing the service ever since. In the late 2004, he contributed to the definition of the policy of free access of the University to its scientific production.

He also streamlined the Working Group about the Open Access established by the Council of Rectors of the Portuguese Universities in 2007, and since July of 2008 leads, with the scientific and technical responsibility, the team of the University of Minho that develops the project Scientific Repository of Open Access of Portugal (www.rcaap.pt).

At European level, Rodrigues was a member of the Working Group on Open Access of the EUA (European Universities Association), representing the Council of Rectors of the Portuguese Universities, and is coordinating the participation of the University of Minho in various projects (NECOBELAC, OpenAIRE and OpenAIREplus, MEDOANET, PASTEUR4OA, FOSTER) funded by the EU 7th Framework Programme related to the repositories and Open Access.

Currently, he also chairs the Working Group about the Interoperability of Repositories, of the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR).
In the last five years, invited by several universities and other organizations, Rodrigues has conducted over three dozen of lectures, seminars and other activities of information or training on free access to the knowledge and institutional repositories in Europe (Portugal, Spain, UK, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy and France), Mozambique, Brazil, Argentina and Colombia.

Some of his most recent publications are (you can check out the complete list at: http://goo.gl/clZjTd):

RODRIGUES, Eloy; SARAIVA, Ricardo - RepositóriUM : 10 anos de Acesso Aberto ao conhecimento. In –“Uma década de acesso aberto na UMinho e no mundo”. Braga : Universidade do Minho, Serviços de Documentação, 2013. ISBN 978-989-98704-0-6. p. 25-49.

RODRIGUES, Eloy - O RepositóriUM – repositório institucional da Universidade do Minho : da génese à maturidade. In GOMES, Maria João ; ROSA, Flávia, Org.. – “Repositórios institucionais : democratizando o acesso ao conhecimento”. Salvador : EDUFBA, 2010. ISBN 978-85-232-0733-5. p. 35-59.

SARAIVA, Ricardo; RODRIGUES, Eloy – Open Access in Portugal. In In ANGLADA, Lluís ; ABADAL, Ernest, eds lit. - “Open access in Southern European countries.” Madrid : FECYT, 2010. ISBN 978-84-693-6792-6. p. 83-99.

SARAIVA, Ricardo; RODRIGUES, Eloy - O Acesso Livre à literatura científica em Portugal : a situação actual e as perspectivas futuras. In CONGRESSO NACIONAL DE BIBLIOTECÁRIOS, ARQUIVISTAS E DOCUMENTALISTAS, 10, Guimarães, Portugal, 2010 – “Políticas de informação na sociedade em rede : actas” [CD-ROM]. [S.l.] : APBAD, 2010. ISBN 978-972-9067-39-6.

MOREIRA, João Mendes [et al.] - Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal : uma ferramenta ao serviço da ciência portuguesa. In CONGRESSO NACIONAL DE BIBLIOTECÁRIOS, ARQUIVISTAS E DOCUMENTALISTAS, 10, Guimarães, Portugal, 2010 – “Políticas de informação na sociedade em rede : actas” [CD-ROM]. [S.l.] : APBAD, 2010. ISBN 978-972-9067-39-6.

FERREIRA, Miguel [et al.], - Carrots and sticks : some ideas on how to create a successful institutional repository. “D-Lib Magazine” 14:1-2 (2008). ISSN 1082-9873.

SOUSA, Paulo Jorge [et al.] - A blogosfera : perspectivas e desafios no campo da Ciência da Informação in Cadernos BAD. ISSN 0007-9421 :1 (2007) 87-106.

RODRIGUES, Eloy; GUIMARÃES, Augusta Xavier - O utilizador tem sempre razão? Inquirir para melhor servir os utentes das bibliotecas da Universidade do Minho. In CONGRESSO NACIONAL DE BIBLIOTECÁRIOS, ARQUIVISTAS E DOCUMENTALISTAS, 9, Ponta Delgada, Portugal, 2007 – “Bibliotecas e arquivos : informação para a cidadania, o desenvolvimento e a inovação : actas” [CD-ROM]. [S.l.] : Associação Portuguesa de Bibliotecários, Arquivistas e Documentalistas, 2007. ISBN 978-972-9067-37-2.

RODRIGUES, Eloy – Competências dos e-formadores, In DIAS, Ana Augusta; GOMES, Maria João, coord. – “e-learning para e-formadores”. Braga, TecMinho/GFC – UM, 2004. ISBN 972-8600-15-1. p. 73-98.

RODRIGUES, Eloy - Acesso livre ao conhecimento: a mudança do sistema de comunicação da ciência e os profissionais de informação in Cadernos BAD. ISSN 0007-9421 :1 (2004), p. 24-35.


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