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Until April 30th | Extended deadline for paper submissions for TICAL 2012

On July 2nd and 3rd, 2012, Lima will host the Second Conference of Information and Communication Technologies Directors from higher education institutions. People involved in ICT management in Latin American universities are invited to submit proposals related to this topic.

TICAL 2012Building on the success obtained by TICAL 2011, held in Panama City on 20-21 June 2011, TICAL 2012 invites to engage in a new space for reflection, exchange of knowledge and good practices which address these issues, with the purpose of contributing to the improvement and optimisation of the region’s universities’ management and work.

Topics (these topics do not exclude others that you can propose):

1. ICT management and governance for research development: Role and positioning of ICT management units; strategic planning to support research.

2. Knowledge management. Applications for the creation, storage and distribution of knowledge: distance learning platforms, digital repositories.

3. Services to support e-Science: Massive/distributed storage, transmission of large files, Visualisation, etc.

4. Cooperative Procurement: Commercial Internet Bandwidth, Cloud Services, Software as Service, etc.

5. Federated Services: Authentication, EduRoam, Digital Newspaper Libraries, IP Telephony, High-Quality  Videoconference/Telepresence, Web Conference, among others.

All people involved in ICT management in Latin American universities will be allowed to submit papers, preferably on the topics mentioned above, by sending their proposals to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . The deadline to submit material is April 30th, 2012.


More information at http://tical_2012.redclara.net


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