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Registration is now open for TICAL 2012

Parallel sessions, plenary sessions, panel discussions and workshops will be part of the Second Conference of Directors of Information and Communication Technologies in Higher Education Institutions, Management of ICT for Research and Collaboration, to be held on July 2nd and 3rd in Lima, Peru.

TICAL registrationIn order to provide a space for reflection, exchange of knowledge and best practices that address these issues, in order to contribute to the improvement and optimization of the management and work of the universities in the region, on July 2nd and 3rd, 2012, will take place the second edition of the TICAL Conference.

The event will be held at the Hotel Estelar Miraflores in Lima and its program will involve the participation of the distinguished speakers Jeronimo Bezerra, IT Manager at the Federal University of Bahia, Roland Hedberg, IT Architect at the University of Umea, Sweden, Ognjen Prnjat, Manager of the European and Regional e-Infrastructure at GRNET and Karla Vega, Research Engineer in the Data and Information Analysis Group at the University of Texas. (Learn more about the work of each speaker here:

During the activities attendees will have the opportunity to participate in parallel sessions, plenary sessions, panel discussions and workshops on topics including e-Science, Knowledge Management, Federated Services, Mobility, Visibility, and Telecommunications Strategies.

To be part of TICAL 2012  it is necessary to complere the registration and payment process available online according to the categories of participation. The deadline for early registration is May 31st, 2012. Access the registration form here:

Important Dates:

May 22, 2012 | Authors notification
May 31st, 2012 | Deadline for early registration
July 2nd and 3rd 2012 | TICAL 2012 Conference  

TICAL 2012 Website:


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