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Meet theTICAL 2012 program

Plenary and parallel sessions and panel discussions are part of the activities that will include the agenda of the event. All the information about the speakers, times and topics of presentations is available on the Program section in the official site of the conference.

TICAL 2012On July 2nd and 3rd in Lima, Peru, participants will be part of a remarkable program that will feature plenary sessions such as "National-level eInfrastructure development: from networks and Grids to clouds," developed by Ognjen Prnjat (GRNET), "Scientific visualization," presented by Karla Vega (University of Texas), "Identity Federations," led by Roland Hedberg of (Umeå University), "Internet Society: Opportunities for collaboration with universities," given by Christian O'Flaherty (The Internet Society ISOC) and "Continuity of Services in the Post IPv6 Era," by Raul Echeberría (LANIC).

The Second Conference of Directors of Information and Communication Technologies in Higher Education Institutions, TICAL 2012, aims to provide a space for reflection, knowledge sharing and best practices with a view to contribute with the improvement and optimization of management and work of the universities in the region.

During the two day event, the agenda will also include parallel sessions and panel discussions with the participation of academics and researchers from all over Latin America.

For more details of the program visit:

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