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The TICAL2013 material is now available

TICAL 2013From the conference website you can download the presentations of the panelists (most of them in PDF format) and visit the photo gallery of the event.

TICAL2013 took place on July 8 and 9, 2013 at the Convention Center of Cartagena de Indias (CCCI) "Julio Cesar Turbay Ayala", with the participation of over 300 people related to the field of Information and Communications Technologies in Higher education institutions in Latin America.

The program included parallel sessions, plenary sessions, panel discussions and workshops on Governance, Infrastructure, National Networks, Collaboration and Management Systems with the participation of the distinguished panelists: Mauro Cesar Bernardes, Head of the technology division of the Electronic Computer Center (ECC), University of São Paulo (Brazil), Luis Enrique Arango, Rector of the Technological University of Pereira, and director of the State University System of Colombia - SUE (Colombia), Tomas Jimenez, Garcia, Executive Secretary of the Technology Sector of the Conference of Directors of the Spanish Universities (Spain), and Shelton Waggener, Senior Vice President of Internet2 (United States of America).

• Visit the photo gallery of TICAL 2013 here
• Download the presentations of TICAL 2013 here


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