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TICAL2014: The early-bird registration is now open

The Fourth Conference of Information and Communication Technology Directors from Higher Education Institutions, TICAL2014, will be held between 26 and 28 of May 2014 in the Cancun Center (Cancun, Mexico).

TICAL2014In order to enhance the work and the role of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Directors of the universities of the region, since early 2011 the Information and Communication Technology Directors Network of Latin American universities has built a collaborative space that seeks to contribute to the continuous improvement of its institutions.

To be part of TICAL2014  it is necessary to complere the registration and payment process available online according to the categories of participation. Access the registration form here: http://tical2014.redclara.net/en/registro.html


Important dates:
March 7th, 2014: Deadline for papers submission
April 8th, 2014: Notification of selected authors
May 26 to 28 2014: TICAL2014 Conference - Cancun Center, Cancun, Mexico

For more information about the TICAL2014 call, please visit: http://tical2014.redclara.net/en/index.html


TICAL2015 Organizers:


TICAL2015 in Twitter
