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Is your paper ready? These are the topics of TICAL2014

All ICT leaders of Latin American universities are invited to send their works for contest until March 7th, 2014 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


In order to enhance the work and the role of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Directors of the universities of the region, the suggested topicos of TICAL2014 are:

- ICT solutions for teaching and research
- ICT solutions for management
- ICT governance and management
- Infrastructure
- Information security

Important dates:
March 7th, 2014: Deadline for papers submission
April 8th, 2014: Notification of selected authors
May 26 to 28 2014: TICAL2014 Conference

More information:


TICAL2015 Organizers:


TICAL2015 in Twitter
