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In 4 days expires the deadline for papers submission to TICAL2014: Those selected will win a ticket to Cancun

TICAL2014Until March 22, 2014 is open the call for papers for the Fourth Conference of Information and Communication Technologies Directors from higher education institutions, TICAL2014 that will be held on May 26 to 28, 2014 in Cancun, Mexico.

The selected papers will be announced on April 8th and one author for each work will receive a plane ticket to travel to Cancun and participate actively in the event.
The call for papers is aimed at those involved in ICT management in Latin American universities, with preference on the topics suggested by the Programme Committee:

  • ICT solutions for teaching and research
  • ICT solutions for management
  • ICT governance and management
  • Infrastructure
  • Information security

All submitted papers must fulfill the Guide to Authors ( published on the website of the Conference , and should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. mail.

As in previous editions, this year RedCLARA will pay the cost of airfare of those authors whose works are chosen to be part of the conference program. In the case that a work has more than one author, they should choose a representative who will receive the benefit (the author will cover the cost of registration and lodging).
More information:
TICAL2014 Website:
Authors Guide:
Suggested topics:
Call for papers:


TICAL2015 Organizers:


TICAL2015 in Twitter
