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Register yourself in TICAL2014 until April 25 and get the discount prices

TICAL2014With its program already established and published, the Conference, which brings together the ICT leaders of the Latin American universities, starts the countdown up to 09:00 hours of May 26, at its launch.

Organized by RedCLARA and CUDI, with the support of the University of the Caribbean and OUI, and sponsored by Telefónica, Internet Society, Adobe, Google, Ruckus, Desire2Learn, WOLFRAM, Alcatel Lucent and Citavi, TICAL2014 will be held from May 26 to 28 May at Cancun Center, in Cancun city (Mexico).

41 papers, four presentations of international speakers that are ICT experts, three round tables and three workshops shape the solid program of this fourth version of TICAL, which will keep its registration prices with a 20% discount until April 25.


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