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TICAL Thematic Meeting | Advances in strategies for open access repositories of scientific publications in Latin America

TICAL Thematic Meeting | Advances in strategies for open access repositories of scientific publications in Latin AmericaThe agenda will include the experience of LA Referencia and the situation and progress of the national strategies from Peru and Argentina.

Those wishing to participate through  videoconference must complete the registration form before October 24th, 2014 and participat in the equipment test session.

In this oportunity the invitation is to participate in the presentation of the advances in open access nacional and regional repositories strategies and the impact of the country-level laws on open access to scientific publications.

The meeting entitled "Advances in strategies for open access repositories of scientific publications in Latin America," will feature three presentations: the experience of the Federated Network of Institutional Repositories of Scientific Publications, LA Referencia, and the status and progress of the national strategies from Peru and Argentina.


15.00 GMT | Welcome and connection settings
Marcela Larenas, RedCLARA, Chile

15:10 GMT | Federated Network of Institutional Repositories of Scientific Publications, LA Referencia ( Red Federada de Repositorios Institucionales de Publicaciones Científicas)
Speaker: Alberto Cabezas

15:25 GMT | Argentina Case. SNRD: National System of Digital Repositories (Sistema Nacional de Repositorios Digitales)
Speaker: Silvia Nakano

15:55 GMT | Peru Case. ALICIA: Free Access to Scientific Information for Innovation (Acceso Libre a Información Científica para la Innovación)
Speaker: Walter Curioso
16:25 GMT | Questions and comments of the participants  by videoconference and streaming


24/10/2014 | Last day to complete the registration form
28/10/2014 | Equipment test session
(open only to those who have completed the registration form)
 30/10/2014 | TICAL Thematic Meeting
(only the VC rooms that have participated in the test sesssion may attend the meeting)

Event website: http://www.redclara.net/indico/evento/repositorios


TICAL2015 Organizers:


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