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Get to know the TICAL2015 speaker MSc. Manuel Moreno Castañeda from Mexico

Manuel Moreno Castañeda

Rector of the Virtual University System of the University of Guadalajara, MSc. Moreno castañeda will be one of the most relevant voices in TICAL2015. Get to know him.

The MSc. Manuel Moreno Castañeda is Rector of the Virtual University System of the University of Guadalajara - which he also founded -, and Professor of History at the University of Guadalajara (Mexico).

From 1964 to 1975 he was professor at all teaching levels and teacher trainer.

From the 90s to date, he is especially dedicated to research and teaching in distance education, advising projects of Mexico and of other countries; he has also been in charge of the organization of 17 international meetings of distance education.

Because of his experience in distance education he has received several honorary appointments, including: Executive Director ECOESAD-Mexico (Common Higher Distance Education Space); Member of the Scientific Committee for Academic Programme of the World Conferences on Distance Education of the International Council for Distance Education in Vienna, Hagen and Hong Kong; among others. In 2004 he received the recognition of the National Association of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education as a promotor of distance education in Mexico.

Among his publications we can highlight the following ones: the coordination of the book "Twenty visions of Distance Education" (2012). "For a significant teaching in complex environments" (2011). Co-authoring in "Reconfiguring the educational process" / the interactive book "Teaching also has a history. Theory and teaching practices in state primary schools in Jalisco 1910-1940" (2001). "New directions for education. When the gaps become ways" (2004). Co-authoring in "In search of a new paradigm for interinstitutional collaboration in Mexico: E1 ECOESAD" and in "Higher distance education in Latin America and the Caribbean. Realities and trends" (2010); and the coordination of the book "Voices of the republic. A travel of 200 years within the story of Mexico" (2010).

You can access the Executive Curriculum of MSc. Manuel Moreno Castañeda clicking the following link:[1].pdf


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