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Registration for TICAL with promotional prices? Only until May 31

proycolab-tical2015Those who are interested in participating in the TICAL2015 Conference paying the promotional prices as registration fee should hurry. The period which gives the right to the attendees to register with lowered costs - determined by the organization - will end next Sunday, May 31.

In June 1st, the subscription prices for authors, members of the partner institutions and for the general public will be adjusted to the value that will be maintained until the conference date.

The registration can be made in three different modes: 1) Registration and immediate payment (via PayPal and Visa); 2) Registration and payment in the TICAL2015 headquarters; 3) Registration in the system and payment by bank transfer using the following data (the transaction must be made in US dollars):

Bank: Santander S.A. Montevideo, Uruguay
Account Number: 5200233001
Account Holder: Cooperación Latinoamericana de Redes Avanzadas (CLARA)
Through Wachovia Bank-ABA 026005092

Thus, registering until May 31, the participant guarantees the right to the promotional fares even if the payment is made at a later date. Registration includes the participation in TICAL2015, all the material for the event, coffee breaks, lunch and the participation in the gala dinner.

The registration form and other information regarding the fees of TICAL can be found in

Get to know the TICAL program:


TICAL2015 Organizers:


TICAL2015 in Twitter
