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Remind TICAL2015’s plenary sessions agenda

proycolab-tical2015The Conference of ICT directors of the latin american universities is nearly beginning and the participants are already coming to the Hotel, Casino & Events Center Enjoy, in Viña del Mar, Chile. So we want to remind you the agenda of plenary sessions of the event which starts on Monday, July 6 and goes until Wednesday, 8. Take note!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Morning Plenary Session 

  • Presides: Fernando Fajardo (Chile)
  • Guest speaker: Msc. Manuel Moreno Castañeda (University of Guadalajara, Mexico)

Afternoon Plenary Session

  • Presides: Ruth Alvarez (Ecuador)
  • Guest speaker: Andrés Holguín Coral (University of Los Andes, Colombia)

ISOC-LACNIC Debate: El rol de la gestión universitaria en la evolución de Internet

Tuesday, July 7

Morning Plenary Session

  • Presides: Ronald Vargas (Costa Rica)
  • Guest Speaker: Hans Pongratz (Technische Universität München, Germany)

Young Entrepreuners Board
Presides: Carmen Gloria Labbé

Afternoon Plenary Session

  • Presides: Gabriel Silva (Brazil)
  • Guest Speaker: Eloy Rodrigues (University of Minho, Portugal)

Interinstitutional Projects Board
Presides: Carmen Gloria Labbé

Wednesday, July 8

Morning Plenary Session

Presides: Roberto Price (Chile)
Guest Speaker: Susan Grajek (EDUCAUSE, USA)

To follow the live broadcast and get more information about the Conference visit Follow us also on Twitter: @RedCLARA and @TICAL2015.



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