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TICAL 2011 is coming up

On June 20 and 21 will take place the First Conference of Directors of Information and Communication Technologies for Higher Education Institutions. Anyone interested in participating can register through the form available at the official site of the event.

TICAL 2011In order to contribute to the discussion of issues related to the management of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the development and implementation of services, with efficiency and quality standards, and with the making decisions about the incorporation of emerging technologies, among others, the Network of Directors of Information and Communication Technologies in Latin American Universities (TICAL), with the support of RedCLARA, is convening its first regional conference, which will be held in Panama City, on June 20 and 21, 2011.

The conference, which main topic will be focus on the ICT management in college and that will include presentations related to the governance of ICT, the service management, knowledge management and advanced networks, will involve the participation of Victor Castelo from CSIC of Spain and Bill St Arnaud, Canada and the Netherlands, as guest speakers.

Important Dates
May 20: paper submission
May 26: notification to authors
April 18: Opening of the online registration (
20 and 21 June: TICAL Conference 2011 - Panama City

For more information about the call, visit:


TICAL2015 Organizers:


TICAL2015 in Twitter
