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Canadian expert will give a lecture in TICAL2011

Researchers and experts in networking will be the speakers at TICAL2011, the first regional conference of Directors of Technology Higher Education institutions in Latin America. One of them is Bill St. Arnaud, one of the most important figures in the world of technology in Canada.
The Directors Network of Information Technology and Communication of the Latin American Universities (TICAL), driven RedCLARA, will hold its first regional conference, TICAL 2011 in Panama City on 20 and 21 June 2011. The event, unique in its nature, seeks to give an exchange of experiences regarding concerns when planning the management of technology in higher education.

To promote this exchange, international experts will be present, including Bill St. Arnaud, one of the most important figures in research and technology development in Canada and who was Chief Research Officer of CANARIE, the National Research and Education Canada.

St. Arnaud, who coordinated and implemented the first optical network research and development of the world, CA * net3, was also chief architect of the first optical network customers worldwide, CA * net4, and the concept of "user controlled lightpath" where groups of users within a community can acquire and share their own fiber networks to provide broadband services.

Today, St. Arnaud is an authority on the subject of green technologies. In fact, working on a program that seeks to computer networks have a carbon footprint equal to zero, so as not to impact the environment in universities.

In TICAL2011, St. Arnaud lead a presentation about the next generation of super computers, answering the question: will the direction of the telescopes or particle accelerators? "

For program details visit: http://tical_2011.redclara.net/es/programa.html



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