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Open Call to present papers for TICAL 2013 Conference

On July 8 and 9, 2013, Cartagena of Indias (Colombia) will host the Third Conference of Information and Communication Technologies Directors from higher education institutions. People involved in ICT management in Latin American universities are invited to submit proposals related to this topic. The deadline to submit the material is April 15th, 2013.

TICAL 2012: Relevant regional representatives talked about ICT Management inside the universities

During the meeting university rectors and directors of Information Technologies referred to the current status and challenges faced by these units in Latin America. They also offered some recommendations to enhance and strengthen the work that has been done.

Con gran éxito culmina TICAL 2012

Equipo TICAL 2012Dos días, 181 participantes, 170 conectados únicos por Streaming HD (realizado por la red académica peruana, RAAP) y cerca de 30 destacadas presentaciones son parte de los logros de la segunda versión de la Conferencia de Directores de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación de Instituciones de Educación Superior, TICAL 2012, realizada el 2 y 3 de julio en la ciudad de Lima, Perú.

Welcome to TICAL 2012!

Since today Lima, the capital of the Republic of Peru, will be the host of the Second Conference of Directors of Information and Communication Technologies in Higher Education Institutions, Management of ICT for Research and Collaboration, TICAL 2012. Parallel sessions, plenary sessions, panel discussions and workshops will be part of the program that will also include the participation of outstanding speakers from Brazil, United States, Greece and Sweden.

Meet theTICAL 2012 program

Plenary and parallel sessions and panel discussions are part of the activities that will include the agenda of the event. All the information about the speakers, times and topics of presentations is available on the Program section in the official site of the conference.


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