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Hans Pongratz

Johann Pongratz

Hans Pongratz (*1978) studied informatics and economics (Diploma) at the Technische Universität München (TUM).

After his studies he worked as consultant at FOCUS Online and Hewlett-Packard. Since 2002 he also carries out several IT-projects as freelancer. He gained international experiences during a stay at Princeton/NJ at Siemens Corporate Research (SCR) before he returned to TUM as scientific assistant in 2005. He worked in different positions and projects at TUM, e.g. the project elecTUM (integrated E-Learning at TUM) and as project manager of the large-scale project IntegraTUM (building and design of a universal IT infrastructure at TUM).He was head of the sub-project integration within the project CM@TUM (introduction of a new Campus Management System).

Since 2010 he’s head of the Campus-Management-Team. 2011 Hans Pongratz got elected and in 2014 re-elected as Senior Vice President “IT-Systems and Services” and Chief Information Officer (CIO) and is responsible for the consequent implementation of TUM’s IT-Strategy “Digital University”. He is member of several boards, programme committees, reviewer groups and member of the Advisory Board of CIONET Germany.



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