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TICAL2013: A successful experience of collaboration and work

More than 300 people from 22 countries in Latin America, North America, the Caribbean and Europe were part of the Third Conference of Information and Communication Technologies Directors from higher education institutions, ICT Management for Research and Collaboration, TICAL2013.

TICAL 2013The activity was held on July 8 and 9 in the Convention Center of Cartagena de Indias (CCCI), "Julio Cesar Turbay Ayala" in Colombia.

The program included 14 plenary sessions, 30 parallel sessions, workshops and panel discussions that covered topics such as Collaboration, Education, Research, Governance and e-Infrastructure.

In the coming days will be available on the website of the Conference (See: the documents and videos of the presentations that were part of TICAL2013.

(See the large version here)

Thank you all and See you in TICAL2014!


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