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In the framework of TICAL2014: Countries of the region signed an agreement for the creation of the Latin American Confederation of eduroam

On May 27, in the city of Cancun, Mexico, representatives of national networks that participated in the Fourth TICAL Conference meet to initiate the activities for the establishment of the Latin American Confederation of eduroam.

Due to the widespread and growing use of eduroam in the region (there are eight countries that had already deployed the service as part of the ELCIRA Project activities), the objective of the Confederation is to create a stronger basis for the governance of eduroam all over the world.

The agreed responsibilities include choosing the representatives of Latin America in the Global eduroam Governance Committee (EGCG); evaluating the service availability in the region and setting the strategy to follow. In addition, the members of the Confederation shall implement dissemination activities in Latin American countries through online or onsite training.


The agreement was signed by:
Argentina (Julián Dunayevich – Innova|Red)
Brazil (Leandro Marcos de Oliveira Guimarães - RNP)
Colombia (Javier Enrique Lizarazo Rueda - RENATA)
Gustavo García, RedCLARA Technical Manager
Costa Rica (Danny Silva Bermudéz - CONARE)
Ecuador (Claudio Chacón - CEDIA)
México (Hans Reyes - CUDI)
Perú (José Luis Quiroz Arroyo - INICTEL-UNI)



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