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Get to know the TICAL2015 speaker Susan Grajek, from the United States

Susan Grajek

Remaining a little over two months before the beginning of the fifth TICAL Conference, it is time to meet the international panelists who will share their experiences during the plenary sessions. The expert Eloy Rodrigues will come from Portugal; from Colombia, Andres Holguin; from Mexico, MSc. Manuel Moreno, and from Germany, Johann Pongratz. The four specialists will give life to the plenary sessions of TICAL2015 in Viña del Mar (Chile), from July 6 to 8, and the experts group has a woman, the panelist that we introduce in the following lines: Susan Grajek, from the United States.

Susan Grajek is EDUCAUSE's vice president for data, research, and analytics. She also has programmatic responsibility for EDUCAUSE cybersecurity, GRC (governance, risk and compliance) and administrative IT programs.

Before joining EDUCAUSE, she spent over 25 years at Yale University. She served as deputy relationship manager in Yale's Information Technology Services (ITS) division. In that role, she oversaw ITS strategy, planning, relationship management, and project execution for the university's academic administration and general counsel. Before that, she held the position of senior director of ITS Strategy and Planning, in which she coordinated development of Yale's first IT strategic plan and led the creation and execution of the university's current IT security strategy. She also led the change management team for the formation of Yale's first shared business services center. Her tenure with the university included other IT management and leadership positions, such as senior director of ITS client support and director of communications and technical support for ITS functions serving the Yale University School of Medicine.

Grajek, who has a Ph.D. in research psychology from Yale, held a faculty appointment in the Yale University School of Medicine's Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, where she started teaching a data management course in 1996. Her work with the School of Medicine included creating and leading its IT research department. Her expertise encompasses the design and execution of research in management, the behavioral sciences, and public policy, as well as statistical analysis. She also has an established background in IT planning, assessment, and metrics, as well as IT operational leadership.

Connect with Susan Grajek on LinkedIn ( to stay current with new developments in EDUCAUSE data, research, and analytics.


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