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Get to know the TICAL2015 speaker Hans Pongratz, from Germany

Hans Pongratz

Senior Vice President for IT-Systems and Services and Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Technical University of München, Hans Pongratz will be one of the most relevant voices in TICAL2015. Get to know him.


Hans Pongratz (*1978) studied informatics and economics (Diploma) at the Technische Universität München (TUM).

After his studies he worked as consultant at FOCUS Online and Hewlett-Packard. Since 2002 he also carries out several IT-projects as freelancer. He gained international experiences during a stay at Princeton/NJ at Siemens Corporate Research (SCR) before he returned to TUM as scientific assistant in 2005. He worked in different positions and projects at TUM, e.g. the project elecTUM (integrated E-Learning at TUM) and as project manager of the large-scale project IntegraTUM (building and design of a universal IT infrastructure at TUM).He was head of the sub-project integration within the project CM@TUM (introduction of a new Campus Management System).

Since 2010 he’s head of the Campus-Management-Team. 2011 Hans Pongratz got elected and in 2014 re-elected as Senior Vice President “IT-Systems and Services” and Chief Information Officer (CIO) and is responsible for the consequent implementation of TUM’s IT-Strategy “Digital University”. He is member of several boards, programme committees, reviewer groups and member of the Advisory Board of CIONET Germany.


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