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MSc. Manuel Moreno Castañeda: "I will give my all to meet the expectations of TICAL participants"


Rector of the System of Virtual University of the University of Guadalajara, the MSc. Manuel Moreno Castañeda is the most experienced of the international speakers of TICAL2015, to be held between July 6 and 8, in Viña del Mar, Chile. Throughout his 50-year professional career, Castañeda worked in various organizations and projects and is coming to TICAL to share his knowledge with the participants. In this interview, he evaluates the importance of the Conference for the ICT development in the region and reveals his motivations for attending the event.

What are your expectations for the Conference and your participation in it?

First, I expect that all may learn in a collaborative environment and collective learning that will give continuity to the dynamics and the quality that characterizes TICAL. Second, I hope that the results of this conference can have great impact for the technology development and education in Latin America. With this purpose and in this environment, I hope and I will give my all to meet the expectations of TICAL participants.

What motivated you to accept the invitation to attend the conference?

Among other reasons, I could quote two very important. First, the prestige and the recognition of TICAL’s work for the development of technologies and the socialization of knowledge. Also, the invitation of Carmen Gloria Labbé, in whom I trust and admire for her personal qualities, professionalism and dedication.

How do you evaluate the importance of events like TICAL for the development of the ICT and the professionals of the area?

TICAL has vital importance in this context for many reasons: the relevance of its theme, the diversity of the origin of its assistants, the wide variety of applications, the transcendence of situations dealt there and, above all, the establishment of relationships and the possibilities of collaborative projects.

Talking about the issues that will be addressed by you in the Conference, what is the most important thing you would like to highlight?

The importance of the personal qualities and professional skills of teachers before and beyond technology, especially for the better use of it.

Viña del Mar is known by being a city of many beauties. What did you think about the election of Viña to be the event venue?

It was an excellent choice. I have been in Viña just one time, after a meeting in Santiago and I always had the desire to come back. TICAL will be the opportunity.


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