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TICAL Conference will bring together hundreds of ICT directors in Viña del Mar, Chile

relojvina-t2015The event, that is reaching its fifth edition, will count on the participation of international experts to discuss the challenges of the technologies of Information and Communication in Latin America. Registrations are still open.

The problems and challenges in the field of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) will be debated in the coming days 6, 7 and 8 of July, 2015, in the city of Viña del Mar, Chile, on the occasion of the 5th Conference of Directors of Information and Communications Technologies of the Latin American Universities, TICAL2015.

More than 400 professionals, including researchers, ICT directors and academics, are expected for the meeting, which will discuss the role of ICT in the support of areas such as Education, Management, Research, Extension and Information Security within the higher education institutions of the region. Therefore, TICAL will also count on the participation of international experts who will conduct the main sessions of the Conference.

From Europe will come Eloy Rodrigues (Director of the University of Minho Documentation Services, Portugal) and Hans Pongratz (Senior Vice President of Systems and IT Services and CEO of the Technical University of Munich, Germany); from Latin America, Andres Holguin (Coordinator for Technological Research and Innovation and Information Security at the University of Los Andes, Colombia) and the MSc. Manuel Moreno Castañeda (Rector of the Virtual University System of the University of Guadalajara, Mexico.); and from North America, Susan Grajek (EDUCAUSE Vice President for Data, Research and Analysis at, United States).

One of the main innovations of the 2015 edition of TICAL is the presentation of interinstitutional collaboration projects, which will show to the public some of the initiatives developed jointly by the universities of the region. The traditional call for papers, in turn, received again a lot of nominations: 171, of which 46 were selected for presentation at the Conference, representing countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Ecuador, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru and the United Kingdom.

The 5th TICAL Conference is organized by the Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks (RedCLARA), the National University Network of Chile (REUNA) and Edutic. The event will be held at the Hotel Enjoy, in Viña del Mar, Chile, between July 6 and 8 of 2015 and the registrations are still open. For more information, please visit the website of the event:


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