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RedCLARA offers scholarships to participate in TICAL 2013

The winners will receive financial support to cover the amounts for airfare and registration to participate in the Conference. The contest ends on June 7th, 2013.

TICAL 2013In order to promote the participation of national networks and support the attendance of the members of their partner institutions, RedCLARA offers five (5) scholarships to participate in the Third Conference of Information and Communication Technologies Directors from higher education institutions, ICT Management for Research and Collaboration, TICAL2013, that will be held on July 8 and 9 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

According to the rules of the raffle, each scholarship will cover the travel and the registration costs of each one of the winners. During the registration process national networks connected to RedCLARA will receive a number for every person member of its partner institutions that register in the virtual form available on the website of the Conference; therefore, if there are 50 registered persons from institutions members of a national network, that network will have 50 numbers to participate in the raffle, which means 50 chances to win an scholarship. The contest will close on June 7th, 2013 at 24:00 hours GMT.

The selection of the winners will be made through the website and the results will be announced through the RedCLARA portal on June 14, 2013.

The raffle will deliver the scholarships to the five national networks that result winners and they will be in charge to define who will be the ultimate beneficiaries, excluding the directors of the NRENs, who may not be benefit with this scholarship.


- The raffle is open to all National Research and Education Networks (NREN) connected to RedCLARA (See the list here).
- A total of five (5) scholarships will be offered, each scholarship will cover the amount for airfare and registration of a participant at the conference. The cost of food, local transportation and accommodations are not included.
- The benefit excludes the directors of the NRENs.
- The national network that wins one or more scholarships will be in charge to define the person(s) who will receive the benefit, it may be part of the technical/administrative staff of the NREN (except for the Director) or any member of its partner institutions.
- The administrative office of RedCLARA will buy the tickets (economy class) and will pay the registration at the conference.
- The benefit NREN must inform to the Directorate of RedCLARA and its administrative office, the name of the person that will receive the scholarship within a maximum of 4 days and RedCLARA will contact them directly in order to process their tickets.
- The NREN can follow the total of entries in the registration form in the link - section "Lista de los registrados" - in order to know the number of possibilities that they have in the raffle.


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