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Meet the program of TICAL2011

Plenary, parallel and common sessions as well as panel discussions are part of the activities include in the agenda of the event. Complete information on speakers, schedules and topics of the lectures is available on the official site of the conference.

TICAL 2011In order to contribute to the discussion of issues related to the management of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the development and implementation of services, with efficiency and quality standards, and with the making decisions about the incorporation of emerging technologies, among others, the Network of Directors of Information and Communication Technologies in Latin American Universities (TICAL), with the support of RedCLARA, on June 20 and 21, will take place the First Conference of Directors of Information and Communication Technologies for Higher Education Institutions, TICAl 2011.

During the two days of the event, participants will be part of a extensive program involving the plenary sessions 'Advanced Computing: The third pillar of science’, by Dr. Juan Zánchez, Research Vice-President for of the Texas University, United States, 'e-Infrastructures in Europe’ developed by Dr. Victor Castello, an expert in research networks in the General Secretariat for Informatics of the CSIC, Madrid, Spain, and ' Will next generation of  super computers go the way  of telescopes or particle accelerators?’ guided by Bill S'T Arnaud, Green ICT Consultant, responsible for the implementation of the Canarie optical network, CA*net4, Canada.

In addition, the agenda will include plenary, parallel and common sessions as well as panel discussions with the participation of academics and researchers from all over Latin America.

For program details visit: http://tical_2011.redclara.net/es/programa.html

For more information about TICAL, visit the Twitter or the RSS channel.


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