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Five questions to: Carlos Alberto Cortés López, Colombia

carlosWe continue with our series "Five Questions to" and today our guest is the Colombian Carlos Alberto Cortés López. Systems Engineer and expert in data networks, he is currently the Systems Chief at the Technological of Antioquia, in Colombia. In this interview, Cortés, who participated in all editions of TICAL since 2011, speaks about his career within the world of advanced networks and about his relationship with the conference organized by RedCLARA.

Hello, Carlos. Tell us a little about you and your formation.

Hello! I am Carlos Alberto Cortés López, Systems Engineer, specialized in data networks, Internal Auditor of ISO 27000, among others things. Currently I work as the systems chief of the Technological of Antioquia, in Colombia, with about 12,000 students and presence in 48 municipalities of the department. My main role is to propose investments to strength the institutional work through the use of new technologies for the institution to acquire academic and administrative leadership. I am also a teacher and have been for over 12 years.

What was your first contact with the advanced networks and how do you evaluate its development since then?

Since the people started to talk about RENATA in Colombia, I had the opportunity to participate in socialization events and some projects in which the network contributed with resources and training. I also had the opportunity to lead this implementation at two universities of Medellín, where we helped teachers to work with their academic partners in better conditions. Today, the problem is no longer technical. This was solved. The challenge, then, is to get more teachers and researchers to use the network.

In a context like this, what is the importance of TICAL for the development of the networks and the professionals in the field of ICT?

The institutions are constantly changing and its change requires us to move forward as well. If we do not, we're finished. In this dynamic, strategic technology plans are fundamental and, to build them, we need experience and knowledge, which are both acquired in TICAL. There, the experiences of other institutions enrich us and save our time and money. Hear about their examples help us to avoid some mistakes and to copy their successes. In TICAL, we share our struggles, achievements, observations and recommendations, and share these things is very important. For me TICAL has been fundamental, because I implemented many projects thanks to the experiences of other institutions.

You participated in all the editions of TICAL. What lessons did you take from each one of them?

Each edition of TICAL was special to me. In each of them I could structure projects that were soon included in the strategic plan of Technologies. I could also share experiences of my projects with colleagues from Ecuador and Peru and soon after TICAL we got in touch with each other. Definitely TICAL is a great learning place for my professional and personal life.

Personally and professionally, what are your expectations for TICAL2015, to be held in Chile?

Continue to grow personally and professionally and keep meeting talented and simple people who are willing to share their knowledge and experiences. Moreover, with everything I learn there, take to the institution in which I work a lot of ideas and work plans that help to transform the technology investments into benefits, in order to help the institutional growth and the acquisition of academic and administrative leadership.



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