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Javier Martínez, Executive Director of InnovaRed: "We are hardly working together with the MINCyT in the TICAL2015 call for young entrepreneurs"

Javier Martínez

After seven years working as the Technical Chief of InnovaRed, six months ago Javier Martínez took, a new challenge: to command the Argentine academic network as its Executive Director. Martínez also played important roles in the Technical Committee of RedCLARA, enhancing the development of collaboration in e-Science of Argentina and the Latin American countries. In this interview Martínez explains the importance of Argentina’s participation both in the regional network and in TICAL2015 Conference, and also comments about the progress conducted in InnovaRed.


Mauro Cesar Bernardes: “TICAL offers a unique opportunity for the ICT professionals in Latin America for the extension of their professional network”

Mauro BernardesWith this interview to the Brazilian researcher Mauro Cesar Bernardes, we began the series entitled "Five questions to" where we will discover the importance that those who have been involved in the TICAL conferences give to this annual meeting.

TICAL2015 search for interinstitutional collaboration projects to be presented in a session of the TICAL Community

TICAL2015Seeking to promote the cooperation between the higher education institutions in the region, the TICAL community calls the interested to submit, until April 15th, proposals for interinstitutional projects that address the themes of the Conference 2015 (described in the thematic axes) and that could be benefited and empowered by the collaboration between different academic institutions in Latin America. An author of each selected proposal will receive the airfare as an incentive to participate in TICAL 2015 and present its project at the conference.

Subscribe today to TICAL2015 and get access to special prices

ENJOY-TICAL2015To be held at the Enjoy Convention Center and Hotel-Casino, between the 6th and the 8th of July of 2015, in the city of Viña del Mar, in Chile, the Conference will bring together, as well as in its previous editions, the ICT leaders who are members of universities and research institutes in Latin America and the leaders of the business world. Early registration and two calls - one for authors and another for young entrepreneurs - are already opened. Join TICAL!

TICAL2015: Call for Applications for Young Entrepreneurs

jovenesemprendedorestical2015In the framework of the TICAL Conference, for the second year, RedCLARA and the National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) of Latin America, will conduct a session bringing together young students and researchers who are developing innovative technology-based projects, and leading companies in the area, in order to publicize new developments and visualize ways to advance the process of innovation. For each work/development selected to be featured in TICAL2015, the event organizers will provide one (1) airfare to Chile (round trip) and conference registration for one of the authors.

For this activity, young undergraduate or graduate students and/or researchers who represent their institution and the national academic network member of RedCLARA which they are part is convened (see national networks here: The selection in each country, will be the responsibility of its academic network, and will only consider the applications received.

Terms of Reference

The young entrepreneurs session aims to support the innovation process, particularly that which refers to the last stage, when the new development must be tuned to be incorporated into the market. Thus, this session constitutes both an exhibition space for participating companies with recognized experience in the ICT market and for the concurrence of TICAL2015.

Those selected will then be able to receive feedback from various perspectives and specifically those elements required for the insertion of new developments in the market.

Characteristics of the developments to be exposed

The developments must be:

  • Based on information and communication technologies.
  • Applications and services whose purpose is to help organizations manage and execute their functions efficiently; this includes, among others, systems and applications to automate / improve learning, research and university management processes, helping to improve services and providing innovative services in the field of research and/or academia.


Besides presenting their development at the young entrepreneurs session, the selected entrepreneurs will have to present a poster at the Technology Fair which is a privileged place to make the developments known to all TICAL2015attendees.


For each work/development selected to be featured in TICAL2015, the event organizers will provide one (1) airfare to Chile (round trip) and conference registration for one of the authors.

Important Dates

Call 2015: December 15, 2014
Deadline for submission of papers: April 15, 2015
Doubts: April 6, 2015 (email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
Selection Notification: May 18, 2015
Conference: 6, 7 and 8 July 2015



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