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President of the Programme Committee invites you to TICAL2015

Video: Ernesto ChinkesErnesto Chinkes, General Coordinator of ICT of the Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) and President of TICAL2015’s Programme Committee, explains why ICT Directors of the universities of Latin America must participate in the Conference that Will take place in Viña del Mar, Chile, from July 6 to 8 of 2015 (the video is in Spanish).

TICAL2015: the call for papers is now open


To be held between July 6th and 8th of 2015 in the city of Viña del Mar, Chile, TICAL2015 - the Conference of the Network of Directors of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Latin American Universities - opened its call for submitting papers around the seven thematic axis defined by the Programme Committee of the event. The closing date of the call is dated for April 15th 25th of 2015, at 24:00 GMT, and the papers must be submitted in strict alignment to the format established by the Guide for Authors TICAL2015 to the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . As an incentive, one author of each paper selected for the conference will receive airfare to attend TICAL.

RedCLARA presents the main results of the "Study on Governance Maturity of ICTs in the Latin American universities"

RedCLARA presenta los principales resultados del “Estudio Madurez de Gobernanza de las TIC en las universidades de Latinoamérica”The document, which includes the responses about the governance processes that perform the 204 institutions from 13 countries in the region who provided information for the study, is available for download for the participant entities.


TICAL2015 Organizers:


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