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Attention! Be part of the Information Day TICAL2014

TICAL2014On Wednesday 05, 2014 members of the program committee and the organizative team of TICAL2014 will presented to the academic and research community of the national networks the objectives and suggested topics of the Conference and the benefits offered by RedCLARA to the authors of the papers that result selected in the call currently underway.

TICAL2014: Needing ideas for your paper? We invite you to check out more than 60 outstanding examples

Actas TICALEach year, the papers presented at the Conference are published in a proceeding. Ten days before the end of the deadline for submitting proposals for its fourth edition, these are the titles of some of the papers selected and presented in the past years:


TICAL2015 Organizers:


TICAL2015 in Twitter
